Previous events


Eastlake Theatre

REQUIRED! Annual Holiday Concert. REQUIRED! I don't know what time the concert will be over. Invite family and friends. REQUIRED! Free and open to the public. CONCESSIONS! (Popcorn, hot dogs, cookies, coffee, water, soda, etc.!)

Holiday Concert Dress Rehearsal; Potluck; Eastlake Marketplace

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Eastlake High School Choir Room and Theatre; Eastlake Marketplace

REQUIRED! Final rehearsal for the Holiday Concert. REQUIRED! All choral students, including TECH will be required to attend. YOU MAY get Saturday school hours (if you arrive by 8 a.m. to help set up and stay until noon) AND community service hours. DO NOT WEAR TUXEDOS!!! After the rehearsal, around 12:15 p.m., your families are invited to the choir room for a holiday potluck (featuring LOTS and LOTS of COOKIES!) At 2:15, the choirs will walk over to Eastlake Marketplace for a performance. Titan Concert Choir will sing from 3:00 to 3:30 p.m. Titanium will join TCC at 3:20 p.m. to sing a few songs together, then Titanium will sing until 4:00 p.m.

SDSU Choral Festival (ALL DAY; REQUIRED)

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SDSU Music Building

Choral festival with other high school groups. We will leave Eastlake (by bus) at 7:15 a.m. Lunch will be provided for students. There will be a concert at 5 p.m. which will be open to the public. We will return (by bus) to Eastlake following the concert.